Tuesday 26 June 2012

Review: Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)

Safety Not Guaranteed is a quirky comedy  about three magazine writers who for a story try to discover the mystery behind a classified ad in the newspaper asking if anyone wanted to go back in time with them. It's one of the first feature length films for both the director and writer, but they with this film they have definitely earned some attention because it's clear they have a lot of talent. It's also clear that this film was no doubt graced with a wonderful cast including stars like: Aubrey Plaza, Jake Johnson, and Mark Duplass. The film may have had some faults with its plot, but I would still say this film is worth watching.

The story definitely did bring on the charm, and has a unique atmosphere to it as it blends and modernizes the science fiction genre, while also throwing in some comedy, mystery and drama. In fact, I was surprised by how much the science fiction aspect did play a role. It really didn't skip out on the science, and this proof is even in the fact that it is clearly written in the credits that they had found a time travelling consultant to help make this film as accurate as possible. Though, if there was any aspect to the genres that this film has that really jumped out at me, it was the mystery. This film has a lot of questions its trying to answer and its also asking the audience quite a few too. Certain parts of the story are not completely told and certain questions about character's intentions or goals may be left unanswered. Some seemed intentional, but by the end I was left a little too curious than I wanted to be.

Nonetheless, it shouldn't be forgotten that this film nearly has a feel good film worthy label, so at the end of the day, its less about the answers and the science, and more about simply having a good time. In that regard, this film achieved just that. I was entertained from start to finish and the film had some stand out moments as well as some good jokes.

The characters were an interesting bunch, although a bit generic. When it came to the development between Jake (Johnson) and Arnau (Soni), what happens is pretty much what you expect to happen in quirky indie film like it. I am admittedly a big of a fan for Abrey Plaza, but her character in this film is exactly what you always et from her, and honestly, her acting wasn't as up to par as usual. The most interesting character was without a doubt the time traveller himself, Kenneth (Duplass) whose very identity and mental stability was constantly questioned. Duplass' delivery was very convincing, and his character constantly left me intrigued.

Within the whirlwind of summer films this year, some of the less "big" films are deserving of chance, and this is definitely one of them. It's the type of film that you watch and you can't help but wear a smile on your face as it wins you over with its charm and laugh out loud moments. It really is a joy to watch, and even though you may not have every question answered, it gets overshadowed by the sheer fun this film manages to have.

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