Tuesday 28 August 2012

Breaking Bad: Season 5, Episode 7 - Say My Name

Things are clearly reaching their peak as Breaking Bad moves into its last episode for this half of the season next week. It's evident that the pieces are definitely falling into place. 

One very prominent theme in this episode was isolation. Many of the angles with characters showcased them all on their own with their vast surroundings drowning them. Even the untimely death at the end, had one of his last words spoken how he wanted to die in peace. Clearly nothing is going well for anyone. 

At this point, it's clear that there is no happy ending for Walt. The choice to show his fate for the end at the beginning, was probably put because it was inevitable. With that said, the questions that surround this season are clearly more focused on all the other characters. Although their detachment towards Walt is already clear, how they'll find any sort of closure is the real question. 

On one hand, you have a character like Jesse. who has been manipulated continuously, and has had nothing but strife since he started working with Walt. He lost everything that ever meant anything to him. So even as I was glad to see him finally put his foot down and not on wanting out, I can't help but wonder, "what now?". Even out of the business, his life isn't really much better. 

Skyler is in an extremely tight spot. She has no escape. At this point, I'm most curious to see if she'll die or if she'll somehow find some way to leave Walt's side. I wouldn't be all to surprised if it was former, because it would be hard to believe with all Walt\s power, there be any sort of leverage she could come up with that would actually make him give up on his family. 

Realistically speaking, Walt does have one more ally...Todd  is a very suspicious guy. He appears to be a regular and innocent guy, but his actions have already showed that he honestly doesn't have much of a soul. His character seems to be empty. Though, I can't imagine there is any way he doesn't have a secret motive behind this all. 

Walt really isn't trying to hide the fact that Todd is just a replacement. One of the most standout lines for me, was when he told Todd that he would be an okay worker as long as he applied himself. This was one of the lines that really stuck Jesse all the way back in season one. Even once the cook was done and Walt was just watching tv as Todd was studying his notes, it does a good job at contrasting another moment where Walt and Jesse were talking about their own personal issues with the tv in the background. 

In theory, Todd should be all Walt ever wanted in a partner. He listens, is relentless, doesn't talk back, and isn't constantly asking where his half of the money is. Though, even with that, Jesse was someone he knew he could trust and was actually his friend. In more than one occasion there has even been implications of their relationship being like a father and son. A guy like Todd clearly doesn't quite make the cut, no matter how obedient he is. 

I don't quite understand the details, but from what I understand, next week will indeed be the "finale" to this half of the season before The Walking Dead takes over its timeslot, and it'll return once that show is done. Although I sort of hate this pandering to the fans who always seem to be waiting when it comes to Breaking Bad, there's been enough development that next week's episode can really the power this season possesses. My guess, a whole new curve ball is going to be introduced that will completely change the direction this season had. Though, I'm guessing that's probably a given. 

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